Every one of us is part of a community. Our family members, neighbors, co-workers, people we encounter as we travel to and from our destinations, and those living and working at each of the places along the way, are all part of our community. Some of us live and work in a variety of communities, experiencing the different “flavors” of each group of people, and partaking of the goods and services that they offer us.
The dictionary defines “community” in two general ways. One is simply, “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.” The other is, “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” It’s interesting to note that a person can be part of a community (or many communities), as defined the first way, without ever feeling part of the community as defined the second way. Which communities are you a part of? Do you feel like you belong? How many people are part of a community with you, but do not feel like they belong? What can you do to enfold them, to provide the fellowship that is such a key component to really experiencing community? Community is bigger than one person. It’s actually much bigger than what we can see, or the people who come to mind initially when we consider our community. It includes people living and working around us, who we may not see or meet, but whose efforts and presence directly impact our daily lives and well-being. It includes people we haven’t yet met, whose gifts and needs are still relevant to our lives. Regardless of how you feel about yourself or the people around you, there are others out there who need what you have to offer, and who may be able to meet some of your needs. I encourage you to go through this week really seeing the people around you, and asking yourself what you can do to BE community to them, to fellowship with them, to encourage them, and to learn from them. While we’re at it, I want to thank YOU for being a part of our Social Incites community. Readers of this article are all around the world, each impacting his or her own communities in unique ways. I am humbled by your willingness to stay connected with me, and thank you for the ways you have taught, encouraged, and enfolded me. I enjoy the fellowship, and hope you do, too!
I have often said, “The more I know, the more I realize I don’t know!” There are several things that can make us suddenly aware of how little we know. Many years ago, a diagnosis of autism in one of my family members launched me into an exploration of the autism spectrum, including research, therapies, prognosis, programs, diets, etc. This became the basis of my 18-year career, first at The Gray Center for Social Learning and Understanding, and in the last 2-1/2 years, with Social Incites, LLC.
I began re-examining diet last year during the process of being diagnosed with microscopic colitis, and as most of you know, I had a “crash course” in shingles over the last few months, even as I have learned about asthma and food allergies with my son Noah, who was diagnosed about the same time. Along the way I’ve learned more about cooking, sewing, writing, childcare, parenting, IEP’s, employment options, relationships, dementia (still helping my in-laws regularly, now researching nursing homes), and perhaps most importantly, about myself. I continue to discover new gifts and enjoy exploring ways to further develop and use them to bless others. I also learn more about my personal challenges, and along with acknowledging them, look for strategies to compensate for or overcome them. Over the last few months, I have been thrilled to explore more fully what God’s plan is for his people on earth, and more specifically, what He has called and equipped me to do. I have been reading great books on the Holy Spirit, spiritual warfare, worship, making disciples, becoming less materialistic, sharing with those in need, developing a more meaningful and intimate prayer life, and sharing Christ with others. I have been involved in Bible Studies, growing in knowledge and understanding, forming beautiful relationships with other women who are striving to be more Christlike, and stepping out into the community—even the homeless shelter—to share the gifts I have been given. Never have I been more aware of how little I know, and how much more there is to learn, but I am very excited to be on this journey! All of the knowledge, wisdom, and experience I have gained on this earth is nothing compared to the knowledge that although I am a sinner, I have been saved by grace, through Christ’s death on the cross. I have been given the Spirit to guide me and give me words to say, and power to share Him and help meet the needs of those He brings into my life. And someday, I will be with Him for eternity! Do you know this beautiful truth for your own life? Do you want to know more? I hope you’ll keep learning, and feel free to contact me if I can help! I want to continue to use my gifts to meet your needs. I know that you likely have questions about autism, social understanding and insight, employment, relationships, relevant resources, etc. I want to continue to inform and encourage you, and hope that you will contact me so that I can continue to learn from you! But I have become increasingly convinced that nothing has any meaning apart from the perfect plan of our Heavenly Father. I want to walk in step with the Spirit, responding to His prompting as I write, coach, plan, work, make connections with employers and prospective employees, parent, and interact with you and anyone else God chooses to bring into my life. I do not have a plan. I do not have a volume of future Social Incites™ articles written, ready to send. But I know God has a plan, and I am excited to be used by Him to continue this process of learning, and hopefully being a blessing to you along the way! Philippians 1:9-11 9 I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. 10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. 11 May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ--for this will bring much glory and praise to God. |
Social IncitesSocial Incites™ are insights which incite (encourage) personal and interpersonal growth. Social Incites™ are written by Laurel Hoekman, Certified Family Life Educator, Certified Employment Training Specialist, Social Coach, Consultant, and Registered Social Service Technician (Michigan). For 15 years, Laurel was the Executive Director of The Gray Center for Social Learning and Understanding, and has also been a CASA volunteer (Court Appointed Special Advocate for children who are abused and neglected). She is passionate about helping individuals and families (including those affected by autism spectrum disorders) identify and achieve their goals, particularly in building and maintaining effective social connections. Archives
April 2023