What's YOUR CONTEXT?Your CONTEXT is your "starting point" in life. It's like "X-marks the spot" or "You are here" on a map. Whoever you are, and whatever you're doing, we work with you where you're at...and through personalized, proactive services, help you progress to where you want to be!
Most of our time is spent in "social contexts"--sharing space with other people, each with their own unique starting point. Our passion is for helping you optimize your own personal context, and respond effectively to the "social nuances" of the SOCIAL CONTEXT to experience personal and interpersonal success!
The TREE ANALOGY can help us grow personally and interpersonally:

There are four basic elements essential to GROWING and living healthy, well-balanced lives:
It's exciting to note that when we are contributing, that typically leads to greater nourishing, for ourselves and others! It's a beautiful cycle that can continue throughout our lifetime, as we get our needs met, grow, connect in meaningful ways, and give back in a variety of ways.
Click here for a VIDEO explanation of the Tree Analogy!
- NOURISHING is the process of meeting our basic needs. GROWING requires a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sleep, rest and relaxation, recreation, hobbies/interests, income, new information, inspiration, motivation, security, and supportive relationships.
- GROWING is the process of daily learning and improving our functioning. GROWING is a life-long process involving the demonstration of increased knowledge and ability (physically, mentally, emotionally, ethically/morally, financially, organizationally, spiritually, and in independent living skills).
- CONNECTING involves opportunities and skills for building and maintaining effective social connections. GROWING takes place in a variety of social contexts, at home, school, in the workplace, places of worship, and other community arenas.
- CONTRIBUTING is the act of using our time, abilities, interests, effort, financial gifts, and other resources to benefit others. It is both evidence of GROWING, and an important component to meeting our basic needs, which provides the necessary nourishment to keep growing!
It's exciting to note that when we are contributing, that typically leads to greater nourishing, for ourselves and others! It's a beautiful cycle that can continue throughout our lifetime, as we get our needs met, grow, connect in meaningful ways, and give back in a variety of ways.
Click here for a VIDEO explanation of the Tree Analogy!
We can provide a FREE initial consult via phone or email. To identify how we might be able to help you...CALL 616.422.5886 to schedule, or CONTACT US via email
You can download a pdf document, My Growth Chart, by Laurel Hoekman, to use the tree analogy at home to teach problem-solving, time management, and basic budgeting!
You can download a pdf document, My Growth Chart, by Laurel Hoekman, to use the tree analogy at home to teach problem-solving, time management, and basic budgeting!
Three Types of Coaching for Growing Personally and Interpersonally:
Both COACHING and GROWING are essential elements for successful living.
We are COACHES who are passionate about helping you identify your goals, your personal strengths and challenges, and the next best steps to keep you successfully moving forward and growing.
COACHING takes place three ways (click here for a video explanation):
We are COACHES who are passionate about helping you identify your goals, your personal strengths and challenges, and the next best steps to keep you successfully moving forward and growing.
COACHING takes place three ways (click here for a video explanation):
- LEAD COACHING: As COACHES, we provide information and support to help you identify and achieve your goals, making the most of your personal strengths, and finding effective strategies for compensating for your challenges. We also help you identify the expectations of others, and develop effective and personalized strategies for successfully meeting those.
- SELF-COACHING: You learn to COACH yourself, using self-talk, visuals, organizational techniques, coaching partners, and other strategies for identifying and achieving your goals.
- PEER COACHING: You can use your experiences, knowledge, interests, connections, and other resources to COACH others, including me!